Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Beginning Of The End

Since I haven’t posted as often as I anticipated (in my planning for the summer I planned for more free time to blog..silly me), I thought I’d post an update on some of the fun we’ve had this summer since we've officially reached the beginning of the end of it. 

We started the summer with behavior charts. They got stickers for doing various positive things they struggle with. Once they got 50 stickers they got to pick something fun to do. They all chose to eat with their dad and had a great time. (I was really hoping Jaleigh would chose to have a pedicure with me instead). Unfortunately we found after the 50 stickers were obtained behavior wasn’t as great in trying to get 50 more so we nixed it.  The goal seemed too far away for them to care. They seem to do better with old fashioning spankings from Josh than positive reinforcement, but it was worth a try. 
Oh I wish I was more crafty and could make things look more pinterest-ey. I'd even settle for being able to cut or draw a straight line. How did I pass kindergarten again?
 Chore Store:  Last year we gave the kids chores and they did great. This year we decided we’d pay them a little for each chore and give them chances to do extra ones for extra money. We had pay day at the end of the week where they would lay aside 10 percent for offering, 10 for their piggy banks (Savings) and the rest was theirs to spend at our very affordable chore store stocked with candy and toys.  Great way to teach responsibility and counting/managing money.

Dinner on the kids:
Josh wanted to show the kids how much work it is to prepare a meal from start to finish so he had them make a meal plan for one night, go to Walmart to buy the ingredients and make it themselves (under his supervision of course). It was so nice to have the day off. It’s not that I totally hate cooking, but I hate having to come up with recipes that are different than what I always do and I hate the mess it makes.    So on Sunday while they worked, I went and got my hair done, kid free. The kids did great with their meal and enjoyed it, but were not interested in making a habit of it after seeing all the work that goes into it and all the clean up involved.  Jaleigh did the main course of fish, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob; Brandon made Brownies and Aidan poured the Diet Dr Pepper they choose as their beverage.  Am I jealous that their food was better than mine? Nah, but I’m grateful for the idea from the best husband in the world making sure what I do day in and out is appreciated.

Sweetwater: Ah, is there a better vacation destination than your grandparents’ house? Some of my very best childhood memories were visiting my grandparents and now I’m excited to share the magic of Grandma and Pops with a new generation.  We went last year and had Aidan’s birthday and everyone really enjoyed it. Since they don’t get to come down here for birthdays anymore, I know Grandma and Pops enjoy getting to be a part of a party so this year we did Brandon’s there. It was a Thomas the Train theme. I almost chose it last year, but hesitated because Brandon’s mom tells him Thomas is for babies and won’t let him play with it at their house. I didn’t want to disrespect her, but decided if it’s what he likes, it’s what he likes. Why be in a hurry to rush him to grow out of it? For all we know he may have a lifelong interest in trains that started with Thomas.  I know it has to be confusing and tough for them, but they live in two households with different rules. She lets them watch and do things we don’t and visa versa I’m sure.  On any account, Brandon seemed to really enjoy his birthday and the cake and décor came out great.  Pops even made home made ice cream for us.

 Sweet Asa also got to meet his Great Grandma, Great Pops and Auntie Meissa (my godmother) and get majorly spoiled.  He loved for my grandma to walk him around and sing lullabies to him. He doesn’t quiet react the same way when I try. I wish I would have gotten a recording of her singing so I could get him to sleep as quickly as she did. It was so nice to have two grandmas (my mom was there too) to love on Asa. Can you both live with me for a month or two? ;)

Sweetest pic ever
Merry Leissa, spoiling a new generation

Asa is growing up so fast.  He weighs 12.5 lbs and is 24 inches. He was in his 0-3 month and size one diapers forever and then seemingly overnight that all changed.  I could sit for hours and watch him smile and coo. Well, if he would do it for hours before getting fussy. He and his dad love to “wrestle” and Asa laughs so hard. I try to do the same with him, but he looks at me like “Mom what are you doing?” Guess it’s a dad/son thing, but he does love to hear me read aloud.  In Sweetwater, I swear Asa said Momma. He didn’t know what he was saying and hasn’t since, but it was enough to make everyone in the room stop what they were doing and turn around. I know it was a fluke, but it’s so going in his baby book as his first word. He still has colic, but I'm praying he outgrows it soon.

"But how are you?" is a question I get asked since I had a baby. At first I didn't get why everyone was asking me that, but now I assume it's a good way to remind me that I'm still a person beyond the kids and how I feel matters. Also a good way to check in and make sure  I'm not spending my time rocking myself in a corner singing "Swing Low Sweet Chariot." ;)

 So how I am? Really good actually.  I’m starting to work out and eat healthy again. Not easy after being off the wagon since last summer when I got pregnant, but I’ll get there.   I haven’t read or written like I’ve wanted to, but I spend lots of time daydreaming about my characters  and coming up with ideas to improve my manuscript. Of course, If I don’t write down said ideas immediately they are gone forever.  Since I’ve become a mom, I can’t remember ANYTHING if it’s not on the list I have on the fridge. Where did my awesome memory go?  
Yes, this did happen to me...
 I’ve said before, but I will say again, I don’t know how moms have time to do anything but take care of kids. It’s  great work, the best actually, but 24/7 work.  For fun, I have finally gotten around to watching ‘The Hatfields and McCoys’ miniseries that came on in May and it’s great!! Heck it’s great to watch something not animated.  We bought some wireless headphones for the tv and it was the best 100 bucks I ever spent. I can finally hold Asa in the middle of the night for feedings and enjoy a little Hatfields and McCoy killings, or Dawson, Joey and Pacey love triangle (thank you Beth for the entire Dawson’s Creek series) without disturbing the lucky ones asleep in the house.

 I’ve also used said headphones when one of the older kids wants to watch a movie that Asa doesn't feel like being quiet for. Can I just take this opportunity to say some kids movies nowadays are just plain weird? The kids love Arthur and the Invisibles (all three of them). I’m normally okay with kids movies, but these are just plain weird to me or at least the last two that I actually saw were.  I must be getting old. I’d like to hide that one and Speed Racer before next summer. Can’t we just stick with Alvin and the Chipmunks and Disney Princesses please?

Yes this is happening. A character from Arthur and the Invisibles voiced by non other than Snoop Dog. I wish I were joking
 Josh is enjoying his new job, but since he’s the low man on the totem pole, it’s overtime city. It’s been tough for me because one of the major benefits of this job for me when we were deciding whether he would take it or not was the consistent hours and being home by 3:30 each day and that’s gone out the window. Supposedly, just till the end of August when they close out the year though.  Don’t get me wrong, the pay is nice, but the timing…terrible. I feel for Josh. He works so hard at home, work and somehow is a full time student too.  At least this job is in the field he’s working towards his degree in and will allow me to stay home with the kids in a few years.  I’ve got to look ahead and not right now or I regret him leaving his job at the city where he would have had more time built up for vacations this summer.
Up next for us is Aidan’s birthday this weekend (truck themed) and then the Alice and Wonderland reading party next week. The kids will go to VBS the week I go back to work and then they head back to Colorado, but not before making our yearly scrapbook detailing our summer adventures.  As busy as it’s been and as much as I’ve felt like I’m losing my mind, I’m so not ready for the summer to end.  I’m heartbroken knowing I will be back at work in a week and a half, but I’m thankful Asa will be in good hands with my cousin. As a friend pointed out, eventually I’ll really enjoy getting to have lunch with friends, write or workout during my lunch hour, but I know for the first few weeks I will probably come see Asa during that time…or first few years. ;)  Don’t worry, I have tons of pictures of my little guy and bigger guys and gal to adorn my office. My twelve week leave went so fast. Next time I have a baby I think I’ll move to Sweden where they get a year off. I find it sad that America is one only a handful of nations in the world that does not provide federally mandated paid maternity leave. We are very behind our peers. I was paid for mine because I used sick/vacation leave. I had to work 7 years to get 12 weeks off with my baby. That wouldn’t have even been possible without the Family Medical Leave Act. (Thanks for that one thing Bill Clinton).  I really feel for mothers who can’t utilize that Act because they don’t have the leave built up and can’t live without their pay for 12 weeks.  I get their are reasons people are against it, but so many abuse  government help to get everything free for themselves and their kids yet parents who are trying to work sure can’t catch a break.  Ok, off of my soapbox now.  I better stick enjoying the summer tonight. I'll think about the kids leaving, going back to work and the problems with America tomorrow. :)

1 comment:

  1. OK, first of all love all the blog but the sentence: '...a good way to check in and make sure I'm not spending my time rocking myself in a corner singing "Swing Low Sweet Chariot." '...made me laugh so hard I snorted, because it took be back! LOL You handle the "Adventures in Motherhood" like a champ! Love ya!
